It’s officially summer and we’re kicking off a long weekend –
that’s like the definition of happy news.
President Biden’s sweeping $6 trillion budget includes tons of money for transportation
and takes the US to spending levels not seen since WWII.
We’ll take it.
Also, from the Biden administration – our temporary trade truce with China
seems to be holding and that’s good news for everyone.
Trucking companies are getting creative about attracting younger drivers:
More scheduled home-time, paying for college and offering childcare help,
are just a few of the innovative approaches.
Capacity woes seem to be a BIG issue as smaller shippers seem to be kicking
butt with long-term carrier commitments and maximizing out-of-the-box thinking
to find the trucks they need.
Sometimes it pays to be small and wily.
Chips & dip – GM is restarting 4 north American plants that had been idled by
the global shortage of computer chips.
Once again, layoffs are falling, unemployment numbers are lower still, and the
economy is growing – so, let’s get happy.
One last happy thing –
most of the cancelled Memorial Day Parades are back on and we can salute
those heroic men & women who have served their country so bravely.
Jim Pearson is the President & Founder of JTR Logistics.
