Welcome to the Good News Hot-ass days of June edition.
Seems most of the country is basking in glorious summer sun.
Good news if you like the sun.
First off, the Mars rover Perseverance is on a big road trip to the Jezero Crater
NASA believes might host ancient signs of life.
Probably not gonna find those little green dudes from those great 50’s movies, but oh well.
Good news for transportation – it looks like there’s bipartisan support for a new
infrastructure bill. We just need everybody to get on the same page and get this done.
Here’s hoping.
It seems the markets are shrugging off inflation reports shooting up
to a new record high and the third weekly gain.
The growing consensus is that all this inflation talk is overblown & temporary.
The Port of LA became the first port in the Western Hemisphere to reach
10 million container units in a single year – a pretty amazing milestone & another
sign the economy is roaring back to life.
The Biden Administration has donated 500 million vaccines in a move to get Covid under control around the globe.
The news just gets better & better for a pandemic ravaged world.
One last bit of uh, good news… seems nude gardening is on the rise.
Just be careful out there with all the scratchy things and bite-y creatures.
There’s your Good News for this week – let’s all get out there and make it happen!
Jim Pearson is the President & Founder of JTR Logistics