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Hells-yeah. It’s Good News Friday!

Welcome to June.

Long days, warm nights and good news everywhere!

The chip shortage is easing considerably and automakers plan to deliver new trucks

in the next few weeks. Hallelujah.

Looking at transportation job numbers, it looks like we’re finally hiring those drivers we

need. Warehouse & storage jobs jumped too.

It’s all good.

Biden is sending millions of vaccines abroad as numbers here plummet.

India, Brazil and South Africa will get the Covid help they desperately need.

For all of you who fire off terrible tweets in the heat of the moment, rejoice –

Twitter can now undo those tweets before they hit. For a price, of course.

Retailers are having success rebuilding inventories – hopefully, easing some of

the crazy demand. Probably not, people always want stuff.

Water Bears, those microscopic 8-legged creatures that can live in any environment,

have made it to the space station.

Live long and prosper little guys.

Pandemic bike sales are still soaring. Makers have shortened unreliable supply

chains and found creative ways to get us all peddlin’.

More U.S. cities opening up ahead of schedule.

The Labor Department expects the economy to add 650,000 jobs.

More consumer confidence & more spending.

It’s going to be a great summer.

Let’s get out there and make it happen!

- Jim Pearson is the President & Founder of JTR Logistics.

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