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I really miss all that ‘us.’

It’s weird out here in the world.

No, really.

When everyone’s separated out, holed up in their make-shift kitchen counter offices...

There’s just no team feeling, no ‘us’ when it comes to work anymore.

Just you.

Sitting there, staring at a bunch of faces in boxes on a computer screen.

Like some sort of demented Hollywood Squares for business people.

Remember water cooler talk? Lunching with work friends, laughing, gossiping…

I really miss all that ‘us.’

It’s been a year of working alone, tucked away in our silos.

Nobody to file stuff, no support staff, no HR. No one to rely on…

A strange human-less year.

Well, that takes a toll. It has a price.

The biggest cost? I think it’s…trust.

Nobody trusts anybody.

Right now, trust in others just seems totally shot.

If I’m honest, it’s been waning for years. But when the pandemic hit, trust was

definitely the first thing to go. Right out the window.

Trust in people, in neighbors… trust in our government.

All of it. And when trust goes… Life gets really, really hard.

Thinking you have to solve all of life’s problems, all by yourself?

Man, that’s a ton of bricks to lug around.

For us transportation professionals… We’re just trying to keep all the plates spinning:

Keep working.

Keep a roof over our heads.

We have to be cooks, maids, school teachers, a taxi service, the nurse, the entertainment director, all of us, every day, all the time.

We so want to trust each other again. Reclaim our normal old lives…

Then someone coughs in line at the grocery store.

And we’re all back to square one.

But you know what?

This is not impossible.

You are not alone.

You don’t really have to do everything yourself. Reality is…

That’s just the pandemic talking.

There’s people out there who want to help.

Entire organizations eager to see you succeed. Great companies whose only mission is to get you where you’re going.

It’s out there. Past collaboration. Beyond partnership.

Climb up there on mountains of trust… You’ll find the ultimate business relationship.

I’m talking about the client advocate.

And it’s never been more necessary than right now.

Jim Pearson is the President & Founder of JTR Logistics.

Bottom line, we are client advocates.

A team of transportation professionals who’s only mission is to get you and

your company the solutions you deserve.

Count on JTR to get ship done.

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