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James Pearson

If you’re not confused, just download our 27 white papers

Transportation and logistics people really love their white papers.

You know, those confusing PDF’s that scan like stereo instructions?

I mean, who would ever read that stuff?

I get it. All these insane technology start-ups. So many acronyms.

All those little trademarked “systems” that are supposed to streamline your business…

It’s really confusing.

But that’s the point.

Complexity has become our language. A way of doing business.

There’s so much noise in the logistics industry right now

it’s hard to know which way’s up.

Even for the most seasoned among us.

I see the tension and distress.

The worried clients who just want to get their stuff from A to B.

It’s a simple business that’s gotten so crazy with technology,

with the next big thing.

It all sounds so important – which one do I pick? What am I supposed to do with it?!

People are afraid to be left behind.

Afraid they can’t compete.

There’s a panic running through our business right now.

And even as the ground moves beneath our feet…

a lot of us are standing there paralyzed.

Let’s all take a breath.

It’s time to get rid of the fear. Time to make this easy.

Challenge this crazy status quo and find real solutions.

Because there are answers.

But they’re probably not gonna be found in a white paper:)

Jim Pearson is the President & Founder of JTR Logistics.

You want simplicity. You’re being offered complexity.

Come talk to us about a different way to do logistics.

And let’s get ship done.

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