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It’s Friday. And we’ve got Good News!

Welcome to another summer Friday and a whole lot more of that

good news you’re craving. Let’s kick it off…

The White House announced they’ve reached a bipartisan deal with Senators on

a new infrastructure package totaling more than $579 billion in new roads, internet, electric systems and more. Hallelujah.

All that good infrastructure news has the markets rebounding like crazy –

with the S&P hitting record highs & the Dow surging over 320 points.

The markets are giddy about infrastructure. Who knew?

For the first time ever, the latest State of Logistics Report says all those logistics

spending increases companies had to make during the pandemic should be seen

as an asset rather than a liability. No kidding?

Employers are adding to their payrolls at a breakneck pace and a new expansionary mood continues to sweep through the economy. Lots of jobs, lots of growing companies. Like it, like it a lot.

Huge cargo ships belch nearly as much carbon into the air as all of South America.

But here’s the good news: Over 40 companies are developing wind-propulsion technologies that could be in use very soon. Less fossil fuels is good news for

the bottom-line & really good news for Mother Nature.

The Fed chair, Jerome H. Powell, says GDP is on track to grow at the fatest rate

in over two decades. He also says inflation is certain to fall as the recovery continues.

Say it loud, Jerome.

Finally, weddings are making a huge comeback as couples everywhere are

“panic booking” their dream nuptials. Panic booking. Just sounds so…romantic.

Hey, it’s going to be a fantastic Friday.

Get out there and get yours.

Jim Pearson is the President & Founder of JTR Logistics

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