Unbeatable prices!
We got great deals!
Save big!
Cut your shipping spend in half!
It’s all just… talk.
Folks in the transportation business play pretty fast & loose
when it comes to all the money they’re gonna save you.
But really, any company, any service provider worth a damn can save
you a few bucks doing it the same old way.
With the same old limitations.
Honestly, the market dictates rates. Always has.
So, unless you’re out there taking crazy losses, you’re basically working
with the same rates as all of us.
Let’s focus on lowering costs.
By employing new technology, an open marketplace, visibility, efficiency…
That’s BIG picture thinking.
Putting all your emphasis on rates & price leaves you in a day-to-day transactional tit-for-tat.
That’s looking at the world through the wrong end of the telescope.
Not to mention, you’re offering nothing more than a million other providers.
So, it’s time to embrace the new. Embrace the tools that can truly impact your costs.
Like the cost of staying the course and being left behind.
The cost of bad communication.
Not enough competition for your loads.
No innovation.
The cost of complexity. Redundancy.
Putting rates over relationships.
These are huge costs that, we as an industry, can do something about.
Change is a business imperative.
Doing nothing…
is not an option.
A little dose of truth from JTR.
Jim Pearson is the President & Founder of JTR Logistics.