For most folks, we’re in the dog-days of summer.
Those lazy, hazy do-nothing days of late August. Just after all the big plans
of summer-proper. But before the get-back-to-it days right after Labor Day.
Like I said, that’s the way it is for most folks.
Not us transportation people….
Oh, no. For us, it’s RFP time.
The Dread Season.
That time of year, over-flowing with documents and mind-numbing data compiling. Endless number-crunching. And column after tiny column of Excel sheet info checking.
I gotta believe there’s a special place in hell where bad transportation folks
fill out endless spreadsheets and send and re-send RFP emails for evermore.
That’s because the old-fashioned RFP process as currently designed…
is a monotonous manual nightmare.
Formats that aren’t even designed for the transportation industry!
A crazy process that can consume a month of man-hours like a
starving man at a free buffet.
It’s okay. You can say it.
RFP’s kinda suck.
If it wasn’t for the big golden carrot at the end…
that cacophony of contracted lanes and good intentions….
Who would jump on that never-ending hamster wheel from hell?
As someone who’s spent way too many years running that gauntlet…
I dream of something better.
That’s right, imagine an RFP process that’s completely automated.
No emails, no archaic spreadsheets.
A 21st century platform made by transportation people for transportation people.
So flexible and completely customizable.
Mini bids, full-blown bids… run ‘em anytime you want.
From RFI’s to real-time lane & market rates…
A whole host of advanced RFP features that make life easy.
Yes, I see a cloud-based bid tool so simple even a child could use it.
But so ahead of its time & so incredibly intuitive, it captures absolutely
everything you need for a thorough and professional RFP.
Best of all, in my transportation dreamworld, this RFP is free to use.
Believe it or not, this all exists in the here and now. Really.
Transportation people, hear me:
Come out from under all the stacks of paper and data…
A wondrous RFP season awaits.
- Jim Pearson is the President & Founder of JTR Logistics.
Transportation professionals who expertly navigate the latest technologies while offering decades of experience & know-how. People who always get ship done.