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“What’s so great about partnerships?”

The other day, I was really surprised by a question someone asked me online.

“Why are you always talking up your partners and not yourselves?

What’s so great about partnerships?

It kinda left me speechless.

Seems so obvious, right?

The simple answer is that great partnerships offer incredible flexibility & strength

no single enterprise could possibly match.

So, thinking on it a little longer, it hit me that maybe… this isn’t so obvious.

At our company, it’s all about the solutions our clients need.

Full-stop. No more explanation.

And I guess, you assume everybody thinks that way.

They put their clients first.

Because that’s the job.

You deliver what you say when you say it.

And plan for what they need.

Not always what they want.

We’re trying to be influencers here. We embrace our client’s challenges.

We find the answers, no matter where that takes us.

Now, that’s different from some transportation places that are still working from

the old rulebook. Playing the same old games.

See, those companies want to be both creator and provider of everything their clients use.

Problem is…. That leaves you with competing agendas.

Because you’ve got a vested interest in selling what you’ve got… instead of what’s best.

And that’s the whole point.

Partnerships bring the best of the best to our client’s table.

The best people, the latest technology, the greatest ideas.

Things change so quickly. New technologies come at us so fast…

Partnerships and working with partners is absolutely the new currency in today’s world.

I don’t have to know everything.

I find the capabilities & expertise my clients need to get the job done right.

I don’t have to waste time or money creating things that already exist.

My clients get perfect solutions to their specific challenges.

And over time, I can bring back the theme of partnership to our most important partner…

Our clients.

Jim Pearson is the CCO of JTR Logistics.

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